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  • Writer's pictureawake1111

Disinformation Agents vs. Disinformation Double Agents

Updated: Sep 11, 2020

This is a very real and very difficult topic of discussion that requires some amount of thought and discernment when it comes to researching any controversial topic - 9/11 included.

If you've spent any amount of time around the truther community you know that "Disinformation Agents" are everywhere. They are in the form of hired crisis actors, hired bloggers, hired vloggers, hired internet trolls and show up all over the internet and in interviews and newscasts on nearly every controversial topic. They are hired and paid to openly speak a lie or a set of lies that follows the main-stream narrative to get mass buy-in of "what happened". This helps get all of non-thinkers on the same page and gives the mass population some type of direction to their thought in the form of a lie that can be exploited later. These disinformation agents are hired and paid for by the global elite and exist everywhere.

So what happens when a percentage of masses do some home-work and realize they have been lied to? How do the global elite control the narrative for them? This is where "Disinformation Double Agents" step in. Since there is no formal term for this behavior I would like to define "Disinformation Double Agents" as one who is hired and paid to speak the truth, but in a round-about way citing non-factual and false evidence, in an effort to derail further research on the truth of the topic being discussed.

Although harder to find, Disinformation Double Agents have been infiltrating truth communities for years around topics such as 9/11. Below is an example of a paid disinformation double agent video. The video alleges that a shorter building must have been behind on of the twin towers and therefore the wing of alleged United Flight 175 should not have disappeared behind the building while being recorded and that this is blatant mistake which points the researcher to the conclusion that the plane must have been computer generated CGI graphics and was not real. If anyone does any further research then will find this video is taken from the street level many blocks south of the Twin towers. The building in question known as "The Downtown Club" building is in between the person holding the video camera and the South Tower that alleged flight 175 is impacting, therefore a researcher could come to the conclusion that the plane is real and this video is simply another disinformation video. However, there is now enough evidence to prove the narrative of "no planes" is actually true.

Therefore what we see here in this video is someone that has intentionally posted a true narrative but has based it on false evidence to potentially steer a truth researcher away from the actual truth.

Potential Disinformation Double Agent: Ace Baker who claims airplanes were edited and "added" to all clips that we have seen. Sadly this has created mass amounts on incorrect debunkers and further paid Disinformation Double (Triple) Agents who intentionally try to disprove Ace Baker in support of the real planes theory.

Further research shows both of theories of "Real airplanes " and "CGI / video editing" are both incorrect. By all accounts, physical airplanes "appeared" to be seen by the naked eye in the sky. Not post video editing or not CGI video graphics. However, what was seen by the naked eye was most likely holographic projections of airplanes in all three locations (Tower 1, Tower 2 and the Pentagon) that were concealing actual missiles. These missiles are most likely what actually impacted both towers and the pentagon. Viewed by the naked eye and by the video cameras as what appeared to be airplanes.

The original video "Must See: 9/11 and flight 175" makes the claims of CGI and that reddish brick building "The Downtown Club" building is behind the South Tower. This is not true. Sadly, because because this is not true others in the truth community now feel the narrative of "no planes" is not true and have made videos to support it.

Disinformation Double Agents spawn mass amounts of accidental & unintentional debunkers being lead down the mainstream narrative path of airplanes "actually" being used to impact the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9/11.

Note: the author is will to change this conclusion at any time should further evidence in support of other conclusions. Please do your own homework, please have discernment, please do not take what is portrayed above as the "Truth" without doing your own homework.

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